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On The Job

Job Interviews. Two words that send shivers through otherwise strong people. There are few situations more fraught with possibilities and dangers. But being prepared can make the difference between being hired and being among all those still looking for a job.

Part of the preparation process is being ready for the questions that you will be asked. Unless you are applying at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory the questions won't require you to be a rocket scientist to answer. But you if you don't anticipate the questions, it is difficult to answer them well. So herewith are the top 10 questions asked by employers during job interviews (with hints as to what is a good answer):

  1. Why are you seeking new employment?

  2. Where do you see yourself in 5 (or 10) years?

  3. Why should we hire you?

  4. What are your weaknesses?

  5. What are your salary expectations?

  6. How did you get along with your last boss?

  7. Why do you want this job?

  8. What are your strengths?

  9. Tell me something about yourself.

  10. Do you have any questions?