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One a Week

Some people may be confused. Especially when it comes to Microsoft and security. As you may know, Microsoft recently changed how often it releases security patches to its products. Up to now, patches were released as they were ready. On average, this seemed about one a week.

Now, what they do is bunch the patches in one mega-patch and release that once a month. For example, there are four patches (three for PCs and one for Macs) in this month's submission.

So, what's the confusion? Well, it seems some people, seeing only one patch a month, appear to be saying that MS has finally learned how to secure their products. But I think this is at least very premature, and perhaps wrong. As far as I can see, there are about as many security patches are before (one a week), even though they only release them once a month.

In fact, there is a case to be made that by delaying the release of patches, as they are doing, MS is actually making cyberspace less secure then if they were to release patches as soon as they are ready since the vulnerabilities are left open, even though a patch is available.

In my opinion, this is all cosmetics. It's about appearing to be doing better when, in fact, you may not be. In any case, I think it's too early to say for sure, one way or the other. By the way, one of the patches is for something that some people are calling the most critical error that MS has ever had. You decide if MS is doing better. YMMV. Insert disclaimer her.