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This story says a teenage hacker (Isn't it redundant to say 'teenage hacker'? - ed.) broke into the Fermi National Accelerator Lab in Illinois triggering a nuclear terrorism alert while the break in was traced to a U.K. youth. The youth used the computer to store downloaded films and music.

I can't believe that any computer exposed to the Internet would have critical security matters stored on it but who knows? As far as I know, if information needs to be secured, the system is not only not connected to the Internet, it's not connected to anything so no one from the outside can get in. In addition, the system is situated in a room surrounded by copper shielding so nothing can get out.

I'm currently working on writing the first draft of the Salary Commission report. This is complicated by the fact that they have not yet made a recommendation. Not wanting to let that hold them back, they gave me a week to write the first draft. So I gotta go.
