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Happy Easter!

Speaking of it being just a matter of time. I've posted before about how automobiles are becoming platforms for computers running various operating systems. So I shouldn't be surprised that the programmers for the BMW M3 sequential transmission would create an "Easter egg."

This article from Popular Science says if you press the right buttons in the right order the M3 will rev its engine to 5,000 RPM before launching you into hyperspace. Well, okay you aren't launched into hyperspace but you could end up in jail if you do this near a speed trap.

Oh, by the way, if you do this in the garage, please remember to be pointing outward with the garage door open. YMMV. Use at your own risk. The door is ajar.

However, as noted before, as we get closer to April 1st one must keep a certain detached attitude about the veracity of some of the reports above...