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Not My Cup of Tea

Dr. Pournelle is fond of saying everything on Macs are either easy or impossible. Well, you could say everything on *nix is either impossible or done on the command line. Okay, so I exaggerate. A little. Personally, I think if Apple can tame the wild Unix beast, why can't the same be done for Linux? Yes, the desktop on Linux is getting easier to use but fonts and printing are still problematic.

For example, this guy has a long, well documented posting on the problems of using CUPS to output through a printer attached to another networked PC - something trivial to do in Windows and supposedly Macs. He also includes my pet peeve, "Help Screens" and "how-tos" that provide no help (or worse, actually give information that is wrong). But I digress.

Before you send all kinds of emails about how there are thousands of man pages on how to set-up printers, which any b00b should be able to understand, I'm talking about using a desktop, not dropping into a command line interface. The day Linux can give you the functionality, via the desktop GUI, to do what you need to do without editing configuration file may be the day that Apple OS ports to Linux. <g>
