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Blosxoming All Over

You may remember I was looking at different content management systems (CMS). One that I looked at is called Blosxom (pronounced like blossom, as in flower). Unfortunately, it did not meet my needs because it was very minimalist. That is, there were very few features that would make it worthwhile switching from MovableType. But as oftentimes happens on the Internet, I followed one link that led me to another and I ended up at Blojsom.

As you may be able to tell from the name, it is based on Blosxom but adds many of the features I was looking for: RSS/Atom, comments, trackback, web-based administration, etc.

I guess this CMS looked so good Apple decided to bundle it with the coming Mac OS X codename "Tiger". Congratulations to the Blojsom (and Blosxom) team.