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th0u $h@lt n0t $p@|v|

For you l33t h4x0rs out there comes a translation project worthy of your talents. The NHV (New Hacker Version) Bible from the folks over at the ChristianHacker site here appears to be an effort to translate the Bible into hackerspeak. Whether this is for real or just a parody I don't know. But for what it's worth, they provide a sample of what John 3:16 would look like:

F0r G0d $0 l0v3d th3 w0rld, th@t h3 g@v3 hi$ 0nly b3g0tt3n $0n, th@t wh0$03v3r b3li3v3th in hi|v| $h0uld n0t p3ri$h, but h@v3 3v3rl@$ting lif3.