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Conservatively Speaking

There's an old saying by John Stuart Mill that says; "Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people... it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." If it is true, then it shouldn't come as a surprise that the kind of people who watch conservative Fox TV broadcaster Bill O'Reilly aren't as aware of current issues as those who watch liberal Jon Stewart (no relation to JSM).

According to this article here, O'Reilly called Stewart's audience "stoned slackers." But if education is any indicator, a Nielsen Media Research survey found viewers of Jon Stewart's show are more likely to have completed four years of college than people who watch "The O'Reilly Factor." In addition, a University of Pennsylvania National Annenberg Election Survey found viewers of "The Daily Show" were more likely to answer questions about politics correctly than those who don't. And finally, viewers of the Stewart show made more money.

Hmmm. Better educated, better informed, and making more money. Yup, sounds like stoned slackers to me, too. ;=}



Damn, now I want to be a stoned slacker too ...