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NZ Mongrel Uses Phone to Get Help

I know this story is going to sound like the bad plot from a 1950s TV show but I'm not making this up.

Michelle Trainor took her two dogs, Grubby and Murdoch, for a walk last week. Nothing remarkable about that. But read on.

As they were walking along, Murdoch playfully nudged Grubby over a 50 metre high embankment. As Trainor looked over the bank to check on Grubby, the edge gave way and down Trainor went. She continued rolling down the bank until she impaled her chest on a tree branch. She lay there stunned for several hours before awakening. When she awoke, the pain from the tree branch was so bad she decided to pull the branch out with her bare hands.

Then, still in much pain, she heard her cell phone ringing. Unfortunately, she had dropped it half way up the bank as she fell and she was in no condition to climb up and get it. So what did she do? She told Murdoch to go get the phone. And...he...did. The dog rescued from the dog pound helped to rescue his master.

But there's more. Trainor called her husband who came looking for her. But due, by then, to the darkness, he could not find her. So Trainor sent Murdoch up the hill and the dog led Trainor's husband back to her.

All is well now but I guess you could say dogs are women's best friends too. See the story from New Zealand here.

Have a Great Weekend, Everyone - Aloha!