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Roving News

It seems Karl Rove isn't the only one who tries to beat people by attacking their strengths with lies. This site here is saying Microsoft's Steve Ballmer is calling Apple iPod users thieves. Ballmer, currently Chief Executive Officer of MS, is quoted as saying "We've had DRM in Windows for years. The most common format of music on an iPod is 'stolen'."

Speaking of such things, this site here is saying that Senator Kerry may have brandished, now wait for it, a pen during the debate with President Bush. Heavens, a pen. Well, stop the presses and call me a Republican. Senator Kerry had a pen with him during the debate. Well, clearly that means Senator Kerry is flip flopping on pen holding and therefore is not of leadership quality.

All I can say about that site is he looses what little credibility he has every time he posts something like that. He might as well sell the URL to Rove now and be done with it.

The Truth (yes, I know, the Rovites have already started their whispering campaign against Soros) is indeed out there, folks. It's just often times very difficult to find, given all the untruth being splashed about.