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Congress Proposes Making it Illegal to Skip Commercials

The US Congress is reviewing a bill that would, among other things, make it illegal for you to skip over commercials. In addition, but more importantly, "fair use" would take another hit in BigMedias' attempt to solve a problem that doesn't exist.

For decades, the media conglomerates (i.e., movies and audio) have been saying technology would kill its business. First it was blank cassette tape which, according to the mega-opolies, was a sure sign that people were wantonly and with reckless disregard for the rights of corporations, recording music they had bought leased from said companies. Surely profits would suffer. Surely innocent companies would go out of business because of these pirates stealing their intellectual property. Something must be done!

But the reality is record company profits soared. People bought leased even more music so they could create their own mix of songs to go along with them while driving. Did that stop the watchdogs?

Nope. The next threat, according to the industry, was blank tapes for VCRs and the VCRs themselves. Surely this was proof positive that pirates were out there. What other possible conclusion could a objective person come to regarding VCRs? Surely VCRs were designed to snatch the food out of the drooling mouths of content providers everywhere. Why, VCRs where the evil spawn of Satan himself!

But the reality is movie company profits soared. Record profits were hit year after year. Money cascaded in as more and more people bought rented movies on tape to watch on their VCRs. Did that stop the watchdogs?

Nope. Along came DVDs and their players. Now, surely everyone could see this was the threat that would kill off the Goose that laid the Golden Egg. Anyone would be able to make perfect copies of content provided by movie companies. The sky would wall. Cats would live with dogs. Movie executives would have to get real jobs instead of living in mega-mansions while snorting cocaine out of the belly buttons of their pneumatic secretaries.

But the reality is movie company profits soared yet again as people bought rented DVDs to watch at home.

Comes now the Internet and personal computers. Surely, now anyone with eyes can see that the pirates will this time steal everything! This time the wolf really is at the door. This time we really mean it.

I dunno. While I know many in Congress are owned by the companies Congressman want to work for once they retire, I don't think all is lost. If enough people let their Senators know that they are "mad as hell and won't take it anymore", perhaps something can be done. You decide.



Next law to be proposed:
People are required to watch TV for at least 90minutes per day, and go to a thater once a week. And are required to buy, at least, 2 CDs a week.
Cause, you know, all those people not watching films and not buying CDs are really stealing from the fat pigopolists starving artists.

Damn, the strike-out tags don't work in comments.