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The Nature of the Beast

"You go to war with the Army you have, not the one you might want..." - US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

This is the latest slap at the US Army by the Secretary of Defense. Does his statement provide aid and comfort to the enemy? Does this statement rise to the level of treason? Perhaps not, I'll leave that to others to decide. But I believe his statement is just one more indication of his war against the Army and his supreme arrogance.

Even some neo-cons are demanding his resignation. The story quotes a former Lt. Colonel as saying "He is an extremely talented man but he has the tragic flaw of hubris. His arrogance is unbearable." In a Salon article, retired Colonel David Hackworth describes Rumsfeld as "an arrogant assh*le" who went into Iraq thinking it would be "Mission Accomplished" in a few days and then the Iraqis would be throwing parades and showering our troops with flowers.

Leaving aside whether he is or is not arrogant, the more important question is whether Secretary Rumsfeld is a good leader. Do his actions aid the war effort or make it more dangerous for our troops on the ground? Do his policies facilitate the efforts of the troops or do they make it more difficult? Does the man understand, in the words of Ellen Glasgow, that "All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward."

In any case, with people like Secretary Rumsfeld in the Bush administration, who needs enemies?

Have a Great Weekend, Everyone - Aloha!


You need lots of enemies. To at least detract the attention from these guys.
Just considder what would happen to the US military if DR would be able to reform it to his own "vision" and do so without an actual war as reality check.