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Social Insecurity

The Social Security system in the US is either broken or doing well and doesn't need tinkering. At least, that seems to be the two positions staked out by the President and most Democrats. As is many times true, the truth is probably somewhere in between.

But regardless of the truth, picking a position (i.e., doesn't need tinkering - Democrats) that is at odds with the majority of the people, will not win you friends nor get you elected in November.

In my opinion, most people intuitively know that the system works, to the extent it does, when the number of people working is large enough so that their contributions can provide benefits to those retired (without bankrupting either group). People also know that the "Baby Boomer" generation, a relatively large group of people with similar ages, is at the brink of retirement. As more and more people retire, the percentage working will decrease and so will the amounts paid into the system (or the amount taken from those working must substantially increase).

So, to stake out a position that is difficult, if not impossible to defend will not help you in the elections. And that folks, according to this article in the Wall Street Journal, is exactly what President Bush's Senior Advisor Karl Rove wants. Rove apparently doesn't care about what happens to Social Security, although it would be nice if his boss's position takes the day. Rather, what's more important is painting Democrats into a corner by which they can't come out of.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying President Bush's Social Security plan is the answer to the problem. What I am saying is that the Democrat's answer isn't workable either and is seen being contrary without reason.

Sitting out here in the middle of the Pacific, I've asked myself this very question. Why are my fellow Democrats putting themselves into unpopular positions just to be different from President Bush? It boggles my mind how such highly educated people can be so blind to what is happening. Perhaps their vision is made foggy by their hate of all things Republican? Perhaps they just want to differentiate themselves? I don't know. All I know is it's not helping America to solve our very real problems.
