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Back to the Future

The description of this Firefox bug has been one of my personal bêtes noires. The problem involves using the Firefox "Forward" and "Back" buttons. Although using the buttons retrieves the already visited webpage from your cache, rather than the Internet, Firefox, for some reason, rebuilds the page again. This rebuilding process takes a looooong time. Sometimes I think it would be faster if it just went out to the Internet and got the page again. I've noticed this behavior especially in the Linux version but it affects all platforms.

This is one of the reasons I said earlier that Opera was much, much faster in rendering pages than Firefox. Fortunately, one of the nightly builds has finally, finally, tried to fix this. I guess the fix will be in a yet to be released version. I can't wait.

A programming note: for i= 1 to 14: n = 14 - 1: next i:

Actually, I'll be on vacation for the next two weeks. Posts will be done when I can and not necessarily each day.

Have a Great Weekend, Everyone - Aloha!


A very typical flytrap.
It is an easy to spot mistake that doesn't cause any direct crash. But in a program of several thousand lines it really adds to the mist and foam hiding real bugs.