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Hot Pants

Speaking of putting things in ones knickers. I don't believe this one is real but I link to it as a public service. This site says they are selling women's underwear with a built-in transmitter that will tell you the location, heart rate, and temperature of the wearer. The transmitter is supposedly powerful enough, using only a watch battery, to send its signal to a satellite. From there, you can use the companies software called "pantyMap(r)" to locate your loved one...

Yah, right. If you believe that, I have some ocean front property on the Big Island that I'll sell for a substantial discount.

Panty GPS

Have a Great Weekend, Everyone - Aloha!


The GPS part is interesting. GPS is a tool to find your way to a target isn't it. So if the couple gets lost he just has to get into her pants to find the way back again ... :)

Oooooer.... quite possibly this could be the first in a long line of new and innovative sex toys - what with "X" marking the spot and such like ;)