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No Tops, Less Bottoms

A Daytona Beach, Florida woman won a court case in which a judge found it legal for her to go topless during a political protest.

It seems there is a local law that exempts nudity as part of a political protest. Hence, when she went topless, as part of a protest, she was within her rights to do so. I say, down with tops! Full speed ahead.

In other news, backless panties are back in the spotlight. Tired of showing your thong straps when wearing your low cut jeans? Tired of the label from your high cut panties showing everyone what size underwear you wear? Well then, wear backless panties instead and everyone will think nothing comes between you and your Calvins.

Backless panties.



I wonder, if you realy don't want to show undies and yet wear low-cut trousers, why not just leave the undies away completely?

Oh, and I am in favour of tops-down too. :) :)

Now, let me see. People have been wearig "small-clothes" or underwear for a long time. They do it for good reason. They ... uhm... NEED to protect their outerwear from ... bodily secretions and emissions. Yeah. Well, there IS a need.

Now, I'm as ready as the next guy to appreciate a pert sexy little derriere. Or a big one, come to that; but if that's what we want, I agree with Sjon. If not, then BACKLESS underwear hardly meets the requirements for which underwear is worn, does it now?