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Holding the Key

According to this article, starting yesterday, Microsoft will require you to register your copy of Windows 2000 or XP before you will be allowed to download

"updates, such as the updated versions of its media player or graphics program, glitch fixes and other features the company may issue 10 or more times a year...

Older systems don't require validation for updates.

Security updates are not part of the system. They can still be downloaded free without the validation process.

Needless to say, according to the article, the update registration system has already been hacked.

The article goes on to say, the registration system is part of a larger effort to add copy protection to more media and devices. When this expanded copy protection system is in place, Microsoft will control PC functions such as the ability to forward email.

In my opinion, Microsoft is driving its customers to Linux and Apple by treating them (it's customers) like thieves. As for me, I already dual boot into Linux on a daily basis. As applications for Linux slowly mature, it's just a matter of time until I won't need Windows at all.
