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Kentucky Kiang

It seems the Governor of Kentucky, Ernie Fletcher (R), has gotten himeself into a bit of problem. Said problem may involve illegal hiring practices (Shocked! Shocked, I say!). His response when that pesky Attorney General, Greg Stumbo (D), started investigating? Why, the Good Governor pardoned everyone and then said no one was guilty of any lawbreaking, even though he was pardoning everyone for doing just that (i.e., lawbreaking).

Any Governor who believes he has to pardon his staff for wrongdoing that he says they didn't do is saying to the voters - "I believe you are the idiot issue of cousins mating and therefore will not know, nor care, that I'm lying to you."

See the story here.



Ahem. You obviously missed the state where this happened. They ARE the idiot issue of cousins mating. Remember the Kentucky state slogan - five million people, five last names. Or was it five million people, five dentists? I fergit.

Actually, I wouldn't blame the good people of Kentucky for this one. Clearly the Governor is following the plans laid out for him by those great statesmen like Richard M. Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush...

What is pardoning? After pardonning you should have a clean sheet, no recorded wrong doing isn't it?