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Subvert From Within: A User Focused Guide to Success

Working in a large governmental agency, like working for a large private corporation can, over time, suck the soul out of your body like Coke out of a bottle. As a result, many people become sticklers about insignificant details but loose sight of what the agency or business is really trying to do. That is, serve their customers. But that doesn't mean it has to be that way.

Kathy Sierra created a User Focused Employee Guide. Some of the ideas in her guide are:

  • Language matters. Frame everything in terms of the user's experience.

  • Speak for real users... not fake abstract "profiles".

  • Put pictures of real users on your walls. Act like they're as important to you as pictures of family members and pets.

  • When product features are discussed without taking into account how it helps (or hinders) the user kicking ass, adopt a slightly confused, mildly annoyed look...

  • Blog about it

There are other ideas in her guide but it's all good. The bottom line is the customer is not the enemy so do not treat him or her as if they were. Focus on making them more productive. Focus on helping them to do their job better. Focus on that, and everything else drops away as irrelevant.



And the moment you manager notices you think he is irrelevant you wake up in hell.