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Blue View

I'm working on finding a Linux friendly HTML editor. Although I have HTML-Kit running under Wine, I would like to find something native to Linux. Currently, I'm looking at BlueFish and N|vu.

Before I get to those two, a digression. I installed the W3C's Amaya editor but found the UI less than user friendly. In fact, the entire application looked like it had been designed by a committee (as in a camel is a horse designed by a committee). Even though its been around since 1996 (the Palaeozoc era in web years), it just doesn't work for me.

I then tried installing Quanta Plus. Unfortunately, Xandros Network said the packages were "broken." So, I tried installing it from the source. After unpacking the download file and running ./configure, I got the first of several errors. The first was libjpeg was missing. I used Xandros Network to install that. But when I ran ./configure again, it said I was now missing libxml. Okay, back to Xandros Network and I installed that and re-ran ./configure. But now it said I was missing Qt. This went through two more iterations: KDE headers and libslt. After installing those packages, the ./configure script ran to completion without errors. But when I ran "make", it ended with three Type 1 errors and one type 2 error. At that point, I decided it wasn't worth my time and deleted Quanta Plus.

Back to the two I did get installed. Both N|vu and BlueFish seem okay, but it will take awhile before I feel comfortable in either. In addition, there is a bug in BlueFish 1.0-0.1 whereby if I try to run the spell checker it will segfault every time. That said, BlueFish seems more polished then N|vu. However, this may be more a comment on the state of Linux applications and the reason why more people don't switch to Linux than a comment on this particular application.

In any case, if you have a favorite Linux-based HTML editor, leave a comment so I can take a look. Thanks in advance.

Have a Great Weekend, Everyone - Aloha!


And when you find a good one let us know. Please.