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Friday Farceur

Although I had created my first website sometime around 1996 (almost 10 years ago!), I didn't start my more or less daily posting until October 20, 1999.

During that time, many changes have occurred. In 1999, among other things, Democrat Bill Clinton was President and Hawaii had a Democrat for Governor. A judge found Microsoft to be a monopoly. And COBOL programmers around the world worked feverishly to fix millennium bugs before the year 2000 dawned.

Now, we have a Republican President, a Republican Congress, and a Republican state Governor. Microsoft is still a monopoly and has learned to buy as many politicians as it needs. I guess this is supposed to be progress. In any case, a belated happy blogging anniversary to myself and all 11 regular (and irregular) readers. Mahalo for stopping by.

Speaking of posting, next week Thursday is the Thanksgiving holiday in the US. I will also be taking the next day off so there probably won't be posts for either day.

Have a Great Weekend, Everyone - Aloha!


Yeah, 10 years ago I had to string a telephone wire trough the hall an up the stair if I wanted to surf the internet, at the break-neck speed of 2400 baud.
Today I don't have to jugle cables to hit the web with my ADSL (activated today :)

Happy anniversay ;)