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Money for Nothin'

Whenever there is a push to "reform" the actions of Congress, they always interview a Congressman who guffaws at the mere mention of the possibility that he would sell his vote for money. "Why reform a system that isn't broken?"; says the Congressman. Surely, no one would take money in exchange for something only he can provide.

But time after time, there are examples of exactly this situation. The latest is a California Republican from San Diego. U.S. Representative Randy "Duke" Cunningham, who pled guilty to accepting $2.4 million USD in bribes in exchange for help in securing defense contracts.

No, this isn't something related only to one party. But since the Republicans happen to be in power, it's the Republicans who will be the ones able to grant such exchanges. And some will. Since such exchanges are already illegal, but people do it anyway, one has to wonder what more can be done to deter such behavior. Comments are open.
