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Guy Kawasaki Starts a Blog

There are many successful people who were born and raised in Hawaii. But to many, you really aren't SUCCESSFUL unless you go to the mainland and make it big there. I guess it's something like the big fish in the small pond going to the ocean where, it turns out, he or she is still a big fish.

One of the guys that made it big on the mainland is Guy Kawasaki. Kawasaki is an author of eight books/Forbes magazine columnist/Apple Fellow/venture capitalist (read his bio) and is now also a blogger.

Kawasaki starting blogging in December and has written informative and insightful posts on business. From email etiquette to the art of the schmooze to how to give a good speech/presentation. Anyone who is in business, or wants to be, should read his blog.

In each post, he is giving away valuable information that you can use to move forward in the business world. Why he started his blog and why he is giving away such valuable insights I don't know. But I understand that his blog has led to increased book sales so maybe there's something to all this stuff about business being a conversation. Or not.

In any case, if you have an interest in business, please go to his blog site.

On a personal note: Hey Guy, I'll call your Kalihi Valley and raise you one Palolo Valley!

Have a Great Weekend, Everyone - Aloha!