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LPGA to Press: No Soup for You!

Someone once said; Any press, even bad press, is better than no press at all. The Ladies Professional Golfer's Association (LPGA) is in town for the Field's Open Golf Tournament and seems to disagree with this saying.

In general, many associations try to work with the press because it is in their own best interest. That is, the association gets free publicity. This publicity can turn directly into more money for the association. More money is usually seen as a GoodThing.

It is therefore very curious that the LPGA has barred the Associated Press and both of the local newspapers from stepping foot onto the golf course. It seems the LPGA is now requiring that all members of the press must sign agreements that essentially sign over all rights to any photographs or writings that the press may produce regarding the tournament.

You don't need to be a lawyer to figure out the reaction of many of the press. Namely, many have refused to sign such an agreement since any photos they take or stories they write are copyrighted and owned by their respective organizations, not the LPGA. Hence, to be bound by an agreement that signs away their copyrighted work is, as one person put it, "nuts".

One would think the LPGA will soon revise or completely retract this agreement. But as of this writing, they have not.

I guess the LPGA wants to test the saying about bad press being better than no press. The thing is, they are getting bad press and no press at the same time. Upon reflection, maybe the LPGA will realize that this is not such a good idea.

Have a Great Weekend, Everyone - Aloha!