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Whither the Weather in Owhyhee?

Here in Hawai'i, our weather is usually pretty nice. The temperatures rarely go the extremes. We hardly ever see a tornado. And it's been over ten years since the last hurricane (crosses fingers).

But every once in awhile, nature reminds us just how insignificant humans are. Over the last few days, we've been hit by heavy rains, including thunder and lightning. On Kaua'i, over a 24-hour period, 18 inches (about 46cm) of rain fell. Flooding in the usual areas has occurred and traffic gets really bad as people slow down due to limited visibility.

That said, Hawai'i wouldn't be as green as it is without the rain; so I'm not complaining. Especially now that the sun is coming up in a glorious display of orange, blue, and purple colors painted across the sky.
