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It's Up to You

We live in dangerous times, made more dangerous by some who would do anything because the ends justify the means.

As you may have noticed, I've stayed out of saying much about politics since my post on the 'silly season.' At that time, I said this is the time when you will hear lies, damned lies, and statistics. And sure enough, that's exactly what has happened.

I realize producing a cloud of fear, uncertainty, and doubt, so as to confuse people and get them to either vote in a way they wouldn't otherwise, or not vote at all, is the point of this exercise.

But if we believe the lies, if we don't use our common sense, then democracy fails (Greek words demos, meaning "the people," and kratia, meaning power, rule).

It fails because government would no longer be of the people, by the people, and for the people.

It fails because power would no longer be in the hands of the citizens.

It fails because we would become servants, not free citizens.

Instead, power would be in the bloody hands of an elite who believe they know what's best for them (and don't give a rat's behind about you).

As we enter the last week of primary voting here in Hawai'i, (the general election will be in November) I expect things to get even worse. But there is still time. I challenge all of you to think about what is being said by both sides. Then carefully examine what each is actually doing.

Do they claim one thing, but do another? If so, don't believe what they say.

Do they work towards inclusion? That is, empowering all citizens? If not, don't believe what they say.

Do they put freedom and personal responsibility before safety? If not, don't believe what they say.

And most importantly, don't vote for them. It's up to you. You decide.



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 13, 2004 8:43 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Is That a Longjohn in Your Silver?.

The next post in this blog is Hot Time in Hilo?.

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