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Hot Time in Hilo?

Speaking of volcanoes. Okay, so I wasn't talking about volcanoes but Mauna Loa on the Big Island is acting up again. But I can't get too excited about it, even if Mauna Loa is the largest volcano in the world, because its happened before and is a natural hazard of living next to a volcano.

The scientists there use very accurate GPS monitors to track the movement of the ground (because it's easier to track than magma underground) to infer what is happening below the surface.

In addition, seismic activity has recently picked up but it is too soon to say when there will be an eruption. Even when it does, and it will at some point, it typically takes about nine to 10 months for the lava to flow from the caldera down to inhabited areas (and it's been about 3,500 years since it reached the ocean).

Having said that, you probably don't want to be in the way of molten lava. And while there have been efforts to divert flows away from structures, the results have generally have been inconclusive at best (although there was some success in Iceland).

In any case, when it does start flowing, it is one of natures wonders to see. The glow from the lava can be seen for miles.



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