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Breast Awareness

I'm no lawyer but can a female Broadway dancer be fired for having breasts that are too large? The article says the dancer, who was a "C" cup, allegedly grew to a "D" cup. She says she was then harassed and fired based solely on her enlarged breasts.

In this article, it seems a Chinese female TV news broadcaster was suspended for taking part in a women's breast cancer public health awareness advertising campaign in which she appears topless (her breasts are covered by her hair). If you're doing a campaign involving breast cancer awareness, it seems logical to me that you would want to show the body part in question. [As opposed to say, showing her frickin' feet, for example. - ed]

Sorry, but this just makes me so frustrated that this bull still goes on. Women's breasts, of any size, are beautiful. Why are we firing or suspending people because of them?

Why aren't we firing President Bush for being the head of a federal government intent on grabbing power from the states, the Legislative branch, and the Judicial branches of government unlike any administration - ever, intent on spending money faster than any administration - ever, intent on hiring as many unqualified friends at salaries never heard of during any administration - ever?

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 14, 2006 5:26 AM.

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