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Genuine Disadvantage

Although many people will put up with a lot of guff, there comes a tipping point in which an avalanche of change is precipitated by a single event. I don't know if this is that event, but it could be.

First, MS included a non-security related program to be part of the critical automatic security downloads, but said next to nothing about it.  Then, when word about it got out, MS admitted the program was actually what is commonly referred to as betaware. That is, it was still being tested so, by definition, the program could cause problems for users. Although, it appeared to MS, that it was safe to release to millions of people without informing them of its pre-release level of finish. Then it came out that this program "phoned home" each and every day. Some people questioned whether this behavior didn't mean the program is what is commonly referred to as spyware. The company then admitted that yes, it did phone home but that the EULA was sufficient consent and, in any case, it wasn't spyware. Then it came out that no, the EULA said no such thing and that there was no informed consent.

From all this I can only conclude that Microsoft is clearly at war with itself and its customers.  One part of MS (I'll call them the Scobletarians) want to be good cyber citizens. But the part that is winning (I'll call them the Others), and seems to be in control, is the part that talks out of both sides of its mouth (as it were). 

The Scobletarians want to create trust, because it makes good business sense, by being transparent and honest. The Others want to be secretive and to treat their customers like cattle to be rounded up and herded in the direction of their choice because, they apparently believe, this will ensure their continued dominance in the field.

The Others are wrong. Making it more and more difficult for their customers to do their jobs only drives these same customers to alternatives. In addition, rather than raising prices for its next version - called Vista, or adding more DRM, or adding more hoops to put their customers through to prove to that they have not stolen what they have already paid for, does not make for satisfied customers.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, in my opinion, MS peaked years ago and has, since then, been in a slowly decaying orbit. As the decay increases, I believe MS will institute more and more egregious examples such as this program. Hence, it seems just a matter of time before the avalanche begins, marking the end of MS (to mix metaphors).

+ + +

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. I've been promoted to be the administrator of the Planning and Program Evaluation Division (which is where I work). It is, however, a temporary position as the current incumbent has also taken a temporary position (so she has the right to return to her old position at any time). Still, I'm happy and honored to have the opportunity to lead the division that I've been working in for the past eight or nine years.


Comments (3)


Congratulations, Dan. I always thought you were a smart guy. It also seems that you are well respected by your management. Good for you!
John V.

Frank Fitz:

Hoʻomaikaʻi ʻana, I hope. Looked it up in a Hawaiian/English dictionary online. Best wishes for your new job.


Congrats with the job-title change. I hope she likes her position well enough to stay there giving you the chance to show your capabilities. :)


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