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My MCPC: Stage III

So after getting Windows MCE 2005 installed, the next step is to get the TV tuner (an ATI Theater 550 Pro) and Vacuum Fluorescent Display (M-Play 202 Plus from VlSystem, a Korean company) configured. Unfortunately, as with my problems with getting Windows going, this was not going to be easy tasks.

The TV Tuner, which was recently announced will be superseded by the 650 Pro, is advertised as being compatible with MCE. However, out of the box, that's not true. The tuner comes with two CDs. One has the driver and something called Cyberlink PowerCinema (an MCE clone) and the other has a suite of applications called Cyberlink DVD Solution. Installing just the driver from the first CD and then trying to run MCE failed with an error saying the decoder was either missing or not working. After installing PowerCineman, the tuner still didn't work with MCE (got a tuner not configured error, and yes, before you leave a comment, I did configure the tuner, several times) but did work with PowerCinema. So I could watch TV, but only through this application and not through MCE.

I decided to install the second CD's set of software but ran into a problem. The install requires a product key. Said key was not included in the package. I don't know if this is an oversight or this is how this Taiwanese company does business. In any case, by reading the FAQ at the PowerColor site I found the key and installed the second CD. At that point, the tuner started working in MCE.

I can't say for sure if the two events are related, but it seems so. If so, then I have to wonder why the second CD's software is required and why they didn't include the product key.

With the tuner working, I started on the VFD. The single page instructions that comes with the product doesn't give much help on installing the software. This is unfortunate because the software does not seem to be designed specifically for the hardware. In this case, the VFD uses a USB connection for power and communications. But for whatever reason, the software is configured to search for and use a serial port, and will configure itself to com 4, even if it doesn't find any serial ports. Even uninstalling the serial port in Windows doesn't stop this software from configuring itself for serial port use. A word of warning, I tried disabling the serial and parallel ports in the ASUS motherboard BIOS. Upon rebooting, the motherboard locked up and required the removal of the backup battery and setting a jumper to restore the default factory settings. Do not try this at home.

If you go to the VlSystem web site, they have a little better instructions. The task of getting the software configured, however, is made difficult by the Korenglish translation. For instance: "A banner of installation comes up inserting for install CD." Or "After buying our products, you should be installed its USB driver so that PC can be recognized any products on the Windows before installing MHC (Media Home Center). It's a little bit difficult for some users to catch the USB driver." You figure out what all that means but it is a little bit difficult to understand with this says.

Essentially, as I understand it, you first have to install the USB driver for the 202 Plus. Unlike all other Windows programs, you do not click on the setup file found in the appropriate directory. You instead click on the file called "Preinstaller".  

Next comes the VLSystem USB Composite Device. And finally, the M.Play driver. Having followed the directions, you will now have two instances of the M.player driver application installed. Eh? Yes, that's right, two copies. One will be configured for USB and the other for serial port. I've tried uninstalling or disabling the serial port version,as per the instructions, but it keeps automatically coming back. So for now, I'm just living with the fact that the serial port version will try to find a serial port and then fail and end execution. After that, the USB version will work just fine. Obviously, this VFD is not recommended.

At this point, I'm done installing and configuring MCE. Even though I had planned on getting an HD-TV tuner, I don't know if I will. At first, I was going to get one with built in digital QAM support so I could view non-encrypted HD cable. However, I have since found, and I could be wrong, that there is only one such channel on our local Oceanic Time Warner cable system. Thus, it might make more sense to get an over-the-air tuner since, as I understand it, there are several local stations broadcasting in HD. The best solution is one that does not exist - a tuner with a CableCard slot. However, due apparently to fears of piracy on the part of the MPAA/RIAA, the chances of a digital tuner card with a built in Cablecard slot is practically nil. Maybe they will come one day, maybe not. Hence, for now, I'm not getting any HD tuner card. A pox on all their houses. Hawk, spit.

Having spent all this time on getting MCE up and running, what do I think? Well, if I had to do it all over again, I don't think I would. I think I would just install Kubuntu and be done with it. Although, as JHR has said, I've learned a lot about MCE, I'm not sure it was worth the trouble.



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