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Nevada Judge Shot

Being a judge is many times a thankless job. Thank goodness there are those who are willing to do it anyway. But when such people are shot by those who disagree with their opinions, it gets that much tougher. I mean, what do you say to a prospective candidate? "Oh, by the way, other related duties include getting shot by those who disagree with you?"

A Reno, Nevada judge was shot yesterday. A "person of interest", who happens to have had a divorce case before the judge, is being sought.  Last I heard, the judge is in stable condition so thank God for that. But we need to remember that there are people out there who will use violence against judges. So, the next time you have to go through a magnetometer at the court house door, know that it's there for a purpose and not just to make life difficult for you.

Comments (2)


Thankfully it's a rare occasion that the judge is targetted. Usually the other party in the dispute that on the receiving end of the hate.

Don Armstrong:

I've had cause myself, after a judgement I was personally invlved with, then hearing about bombing campaigns on judges, to say "and they wonder why people go and kill judges!"

The judgement that particular judge handed down against me hurt me any my children. It favoured my former wife against the evidence of everyone, including her family. She was mentally ill, but the judge chose to ignore that and the testimony of her family and of her medical practitioners. Of course, the fact that my lawyer didn't bother to find out when the final hearing was due, we didn't turn up, and I'd exhausted my finances fighting as far as I got and couldn't fight my lawyer as well didn't help.

I can't argue the results. That I fought as far as I did means that one son is staying with me (visiting) now, and the other will arrive tomorrow, both to stay for my father's 90th birthday. However, it was the judge's introduction of feminist politics into the courtroom that caused her to ignore the facts (thank you, "Justice" Barbara Holborrow) and bring in findings that were plainly and obviously unjust) that caused my comment, and cost me tens of thousands of dollars that were hard-won against my wife's most diligent efforts. She (the judge) is now obviously a victim of Alzheimer's disease, as she was then. I could have almost been brought to violence against the inJustice system, and so could anyone who is so victimised by politics in a soi-disant "justice" system. A system which gives people power without calling them to account should not be surprised if they are brought to account nevertheless. If there's no other means than "justice out of the barrel of a gun", as the USA sought against Britain and wrote into their constitution, then they shouldn't be surprised.

In short, any time any judge brings politics into the courtroom without criticism from their fellows then all judges are liable.


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