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Phoenix Rising

I've been farting around with testing the new Phoenix/Firebird/Mozilla browser and am getting to like it. I'm not sure I will switch from Opera/IE but Firebird has some good points (mostly borrowed from Opera, me thinks).

Fir' example, tabbed windows. I can setup a folder and place links to all of the Daynoters in it. Then, in one click, I can have all of the links open into separate tabs - ready for me to read at my leisure, rather than waiting for slow connections. Kewl. Not original, because Opera can do that, but kewl nonetheless.

In addition, all of the tabs make use of the favorite icon function, if your website is so enabled. And like Opera, there is a small window for typing in queries that are sent to google for searching on. Unlike Opera, it doesn't have ads, at least, not yet. You have to reckon that their business model will require the transfer of money from you to them at some point, but I guess that is down the road a bit.


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» things that rock from adot's notblog*
First, Neil T. and Michael Fagan rock. They pointed me to several really good blog search tools. So far, BlogDigger [Read More]

» Ignit from them.ws :: Where Ideas Come To Die
This guy is dumb. “Not original, because Opera can do that, but kewl nonetheless... [Read More]