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Round'em Up

Follow the link here to a quick alpha 3 build 4015 preview of the next version of Microsoft's Windows, codename: "Longhorn." This is still pre-beta but is described as having "sweeping changes over its predecessors and be the most significant release of Microsoft's desktop operating system since Windows 95." I dunno. All I know is what I see on the site and it looks a lot like XP. To use a tired phrase, the changes appear to be evolutionary rather than revolutionary. But again, I don't have a copy of it and so I can only comment based on what I see in the review. YMMV. Thanks to the good Doc for the link.


Didn't notice the big improvement?
There in NO Blue Screen Of Dead anymore. (if it still existed they would have it demo-ed).

Didn't you notice the big improvement?
There in NO Blue Screen Of Dead anymore. (if it still existed they would have it demo-ed).