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A Smashing Success

NASA is rightly proud to document the success of its Deep Impact mission to comet Tempel 1. Locally, the Keck Observatory, on the island of Hawai'i, has released preliminary data. However, since the data are in the hundreds and thousands of megabytes in size I've decided not to download it. The initial report indicates the infrared spectrometer picked up the impact debris immediately and found the following:

"The IR continuum began to brighten immediately after impact, and brightening continued for the next hour. Spectral lines of H2O appeared almost immediately, and continued to brighten thereafter. The first instrument setting (28 minutes on source) revealed spectral lines of H2O (7 hot-band lines)), C2H6 (5 Q-branches: RQ2, RQ1, RQ0, PQ1, and PQ2), and CH3OH (many lines). The second setting (24 minutes on source) yielded additional hot-band lines of H2O,along with lines of HCN (six lines), C2H2 (tentatively two lines),CH3OH (many lines) and OH prompt emission."