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The Bell Tolls for Thee

A Newsweek report on the MSNBC site indicates President Bush's White House Deputy Chief of Staff and political strategist Karl Rove may have been the source that identified a Central Intelligence Agency undercover agent. According to the report,

The controversy began three days before the Time piece appeared, when columnist Robert Novak, writing about Wilson's trip, reported that Wilson had been sent at the suggestion of his wife, who was identified by name as a CIA operative. The leak to Novak, apparently intended to discredit Wilson's mission, caused a furor when it turned out that Plame was an undercover agent. It is a crime to knowingly reveal the identity of an undercover CIA official. A special prosecutor was appointed and began subpoenaing reporters to find the source of the leak.

Whomever is the source of the leak should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Revealing the true identity of a CIA undercover agent puts the life of not only the agent in jeopardy, but also anyone who the agent had ever worked with. It is not overstating things to say people's lives may have been but at peril because of Washington beltway political shenanigans.


But don't worry too much about him, he'll find a way to put the blame on someone else. Most likely one (and all) Democrat Senator(s).