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War Declared on American Citizens

WARNING: Political content. Skip on down if you are offended.

I've posted before on how I believe the so called Patriot Act was a call to shred the Constitution. On how it would allow acts that are contrary to the letter, sprit, and intent of the form of government our founding fathers died for. On how our hard fought system of checks and balances, which was purposefully designed to make Government inefficient so that it could not act precipitously, without due care and regard for the rights of its citizens.

But after the horror of September 11th, many people said we needed to give up our liberty so that we can be safe. That we must give up our Constitutional rights and system of checks and balances because we have to trust President Bush since he is the only one that knows everything and can therefore protect us. That we must radically transform the Executive Branch into the one, ultimate, ruler over all others since only the Executive Branch could be trusted to know what to do and could do it efficiently.

However, now we begin to see that President Bush broke that trust. That the President could not be trusted to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth when he laid out his reasons to bring war on Iraq . That the President could not be trusted to protect the Constitutional rights of all when he signed a secret order to allow the National Security Agency to spy on US citizens without proper judicial oversight. And that the President could not be trusted to protect the citizens of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina blew the dikes down .

So what to do? Since impeachment, although well deserved, is not likely with a Republican controlled Congress, what must happen is Congress must begin to fulfill its Constitutional role of a check and balance against the Executive Branch. So far, only the Judicial Branch has stood firm against the lies, mistakes, subterfuge, and innuendo of President Bush and his administration. But the Judiciary can not stand alone. Congress must act, now. Congress must resist the easy way out and begin to Just Say No to President Bush. Congress must begin to force accountability on this Imperial President.

will this happen? Not unless the American people force them to, it won't. Most politicians won't do anything that is hard unless he or she is forced to. What many want to do is simply look the other way as our country slowly sinks into dictatorship. Only you can stop this from happening. Already, President Bush has been forced to admit some of his mistakes. Not because he believes they were mistakes. In fact, he says they weren't and not only did he commit them, he's going to do them again, just as former President Nixon denied any wrong doing. Indeed, he is daring Congress to stop him.

Rather, if he is to be held accountable, it will be because the American citizens do not trust and support him. So, get off your okole and let your Congressman or woman know that you don't trust the President, and neither should they. Restore the system of checks and balances before it is too late.


But, if you want congress to do things you'll have to buy it cause that seems to be the only way it works.